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The importance of lighting design

The lighting design plays an important role in the design of every new space. The light, indeed, is not just a functional element, but a force that sculpts and shapes spaces, giving them depht and personality. Therefore, every project require a deep analysis of interaction between natural and artificial light and architectural elements, a task that falls to lighting technology, a discipline that studies the lighting system of an architectural work.

In today’s creative panorama, space design offers a broad spectrum of possibilities, thanks to the presence of brands that make research and quality their key principles. These includes Delta Light, which offers an impeccable selection of luminous, refined and timeless design that enhance the distinctive characteristics of the properties that house them.

Equally noteworthy is Marset, famous for creations such as Ambrosia, a lamp that combines semplicity, functionality and aesthetics in a perfect balance of linear forms and a poetic souls, capable of conveying a unique and evocative atmosphere.

And we cannot overlook the contribution of Zava, with its Andromeda lamp, a work in continous evolution thanks to its flexible hexagonal elements, which allow infinite formal configuration, thus creating a constantly changing luminous scenography.

Thanks to innovation and creation of brands such as Delta Light, Marset and Zava, lighting design is constantly envolving, offering even more fascinating and expressive solutions, capable of transforming environments into authentic works of art.